15th Annual Lynch’s Centra Crosshaven Challenge 2017 Writes Jack White
Details of the 15th Annual Lynch’s Centra Crosshaven Challenge were announced at a reception held in the Rivers End Café in Crosshaven on Wednesday, June 21st, with this year’s event taking place on Saturday, September 2nd at 3pm. Committee Chairman Bernard Lynch remarked that the event had grown from its humble beginnings with just seven teams taking part in the first challenge, to over 300 athletes expected to take part in this year’s event, both individually and in teams of three. In all, after this year’s event, organisers are hoping they will have raised around €200,000 over 15 years for various clubs, organizations, schools and groups in the locality.
“There hasn’t been a club, school or organisation in the Crosshaven area which hasn’t benefitted from the Triathlon down the years and we are delighted to be able to support and give something back to the community through the running of the event,” said Bernard. He continued, “Last year the event filled up and we had to restrict numbers, we hope it will fill again this year and we’re really looking forward to a great turnout”. “Over 100 Locals are now involved in the running of the event with 52 stewards”, He confirmed.
This year four beneficiaries were announced at the launch and they include the Crosshaven Development Committee for enhancement of the Christmas Lights for the village; a new tourist office, Crosshaven Youth Club for equipment; and the maintenance and planting of flowers etc. at the seating area across from the boatyard.
As usual, the course comprises of a 500 metre swim from Currabinny Pier to the Hugh Coveney Pier; a 10 kilometre cycle to O’Leary’s Cross along the Carrigaline Road and back and finally a 5 kilometre run around the village with the finish line situated outside Lynch’s Centra, where there will be street entertainment, refreshments and a festival atmosphere.
Bernard Lynch acknowledged the assistance given by Centra, Crosshaven and the large group of volunteers, who include the Gardai, RNLI, Coast Guard, Civil Defence, Crosshaven Walking Group and launch hosts Rivers End Café. Along withmain event sponsors, Lynch’s Centra Crosshaven, Bernard also thanked other sponsors Kinetica and Lucozade Sport.
For further details contact Suzie Lee at Crosshaven Pharmacy, Tel 087- 7485261 or Bernard Lynch at Centra, Crosshaven Tel 021 4833727.
Entry forms and details of the event are also available on line at the triathlon website www.crosshavenchallenge.ie