Cork County Council intend on developing a new 3.5km looped walk in Fountainstown.
The proposal to construct a new 3.5km looped walking trail, following regional road R612 and local roads L6512, L6513 and L6515 and including a new footpath for approximately 730 metres on the west side of the R612 at Fountainstown involves the following works:
Constructing the 100mm depth concrete footpath.
Installing tactile paving at the proposed pedestrian crossings.
Installing signage and lining along the proposed footpath.
Installing signage along the walking trail route.
Provisions for biodiversity and landscaping.
Works will be carried out within existing roads extents owned by Cork County Council.
The Fountainstown Community Association approached Cllr. Audrey Buckley two years ago to look into a safe walk, as many walkers using this loop already, and walking on the verge was not the ideal solution. Cllr. Buckley put in a motion asking for a feasibility study to be obtained and looked for funding.
In addition, locals had also contacted Cllr. Buckley as walking in the area had become unsafe due to speeding cars.
Cork County Council applied for funding under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme for 2022. Both Cllr. Buckley and Fountainstown Community Association were delighted the Fountainstown Looped Walk was one of three projects selected, thanks to a lot of hard work from Cork County Council, engineer Vincent Florish and area supervisor Carol Conway.
Submissions or Observations with respect to the proposed development, dealing with proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development will be situated, may be made using the online submission by clicking the 'Make a Submission' button below or, in writing to Senior Engineer, Cork County Council, Regional & Local Roads Design Office, Floor 3, County Library Building, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, T12 K335 or emailed to and must reach the Senior Engineer on or before 4pm on Friday, 22nd September 2023.