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Carrigaline Macra Debating Team Success

Carrigaline Macra’s Impromptu Debating Team has won the Macra Na Feirme Final. Team members Rona Coghlan, David O’Sullivan and Trisha Delahunty travelled to Nenagh, where the Impromptu Debating Final was held in conjunction with the Macra Na Feirme AGM. A light hearted motion, “That Macra Na Feirme should introduce a dating competition” produced a lively and entertaining debate around the merits of looking for love, within the confines of an official competition. The team, who also won the National Senior Debating Competition in 2015, along with Eilis Ahern, has now won a place in the annual prizewinners trip, which takes place next October. The team extended their thanks to 2008 winners Senator Tim Lombard, Gavin Howe and Alan Jagoe CEJA President, who inspired them to enter debating. For more information on the club or the event, check out their Facebook: Carrigaline Macra.

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