Trustap, owned by Carrigaline man Conor Lyden has partnered with ‘Girl Develop It’ to host Cork’s Flagship Female Coding Event.
Most people may assume that ‘Coding’ or software development is a career path traditionally associated with males. More recently, gender inequality has really started to balance itself out and Cork has seen an emergence of young, talented female software developers over the last few years. Last month, Cork startup ‘Trustap’, sponsored the February event for the monthly "Girl Develop It Cork" meetup to help spread their message to a wider audience. The group provides free and judgement-free opportunities for women of any background who are interested in learning web and software development, and also offers a welcoming space for women to meet others with a similar passion for technology. The meetup was hosted at Republic of Work.
Girl Develop It has been running in Cork for almost two years now, with numbers rising event after event. With the female coding scene in Cork flourishing yet still relatively small in the grand scheme of things, these kinds of events go a long way towards increasing female participation. At Girl Develop It, participants vary in skill level, with members usually working on their own personal projects, with help available at every step.
Trustap saw Girl Develop It Cork as an exciting concept, and one that is much needed in today’s world of tech. This was a great opportunity for women who have a desire to connect with other women in tech and build a supportive and empowering community. Trustap loved the idea of how Girl Develop It’s aim is to try and break down the persistent gender gap in technology-related fields and hope that they will be able to support more of their events in the future.
About Trustap.
Trustap is a transaction platform specifically designed for people who want to transact safely with other people, either online or face-to-face. With Trustap, the buyer’s money is held while the transaction takes place, and then once all the transactional milestones have been completed, the funds are released to the seller. Whether you’re buying a ticket from someone on Facebook or you’re buying a used car from someone on DoneDeal, Trustap ensures that you can do so without any fear of being scammed.