On the 20th of June 2023, Cognizant Life Science Manufacturing visited Scoil Bhride Crosshaven girls’ primary school to inform students about the different career paths for women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
This was a great opportunity to inform young girls about engineering careers in the pharmaceutical and biopharma industries and the vast range of roles out there. One student asked our engineers Christiana Spencer and Amy Lynch: “Have you made an impact”, and whereby the engineers answered that yes they have made an impact in patients’ lives, and every role in Life Science Manufacturing is equally important and makes a direct impact.

“It’s important that we connect with young girls at the early stages of their education to give them the information and support/inspiration they may need to take on a role in STEM.” said Jillian Barry, Senior Recruitment Manager for Life Science Manufacturing (GGM)
"Being a woman in engineering has shown me that through hard work and determination, equal opportunities and progression are possible to achieve. We need to continue to raise awareness around diversity in the workplace" Anna Bidot, Senior Project Engineer
Cognizant is proud to support such partnerships to accelerate community knowledge in Life Science. We support and celebrate International Women’s Day of Engineering, which occurred on the 23rd of June, to highlight the importance of the incredible women in this industry as well as the positive impact they bring to society.
