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Ringaskiddy Incinerator Site Re-Zoned From Industrial To Education

Ringaskiddy Incinerator Site Re-Zoned From Industrial To Education Writes Jack White

The site owned by Indaver Ireland where the company propose to put a waste incinerator will be re-zoned by Cork County Council following the passing of an amendment to the Draft Local Area Plan proposed by Cllr. Seamus McGrath.

Cllr’s McGrath’s proposal was written as follows, “The North-Eastern Quadrant of RYi-15 to be amended to the same objective as RYi-19, i.e. rezoned from Industrial to Educational use”. The new Local Area Plan comes into place on August 21st 2017.

Explaining his rationale for the proposal to members of Cork County Council, Cllr. McGrath said, “I would like to reiterate my rationale for proposing to change the zoning on the North-Eastern Quadrant of RYi-15 from Industrial to Educational (similar RYi-19.) In my view, there is a significant amount of land in Ringaskiddy with and industrial zoning and given the close proximity of this site to the Third Level Campus (NMCI), it would be sensible to identify sufficient land for the future development of the Education facilities”.

The Carrigdhoun understands that if planning permission was to be granted to Indaver Ireland for the incinerator under its current application, the re-zoned status would not be able to halt the progress of the incinerator as planning permission had been applied for whilst the land was zoned industrial in a previous Local Area Plan. However, any further attempts for an industrial type planning application on the site, once zoned educational, would not be possible.

Commenting to The Carrigdhoun on the necessity for further educational zoning in Ringaskiddy, Cllr McGrath said, “There are huge swathes of land zoned industrial in Ringaskiddy. The community has suffered so some much over the years due to the industrialisation of the area. Natural amenities have been lost including access to the splendid natural Harbour.

However, there is potential in the Eastern end of Ringaskiddy to do something different. There are a lot of positives on the eastern end. Natural amenities such as Gobby beach and the potential new public park after the remediation of Haulbowline.  We have the cluster of the Naval Base, The Maritime College and Beaufort. Martello Tower is in the area. The is no industry on the eastern end with the exception of Hammond Lane.

We need to build on the potential, which is why I believe it is sensible to make further provision for educational facilities at that location. Industry should be based elsewhere in Ringaskiddy and safeguard an area of the village which has been reasonably untouched by industry and with a potential upon which we can build.  I am delighted my colleagues supported my amendment to change the zoning of 15 Hectares from Industry to Educational.”

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