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Upgrade of Carrigaline Plaza Project Needs To Progress

Writer's picture: Online JournalistOnline Journalist

Updated: Oct 29, 2022

Writes Leo McMahon

An update from the County Council on the Urban Design Scheme for Carrigaline was requested by Cllr Seamus McGrath (FF) at the recent meeting of the Municipal District.

The project is at the Owenabue car park, creating a plaza area to the front and opening up access to the water. A covered performance area is also suggested. ‘Where are we with that?’ Cllr McGrath asked, adding that there was now a level of frustration over the slow progress being made.

MD officer Carol Conway replied that she would be meeting with officials concerning this and would then call a meeting with elected members.

With regard to the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, she said Carrigaline was now over the population threshold for this but application could be made under the Urban Regeneration Development Fund.

Cllr Jack White (FG) stressed the importance of the council maintaining its level of Local Property Tax (LPT) revenue because this was the main source of funding for so many community projects in the MD. Cllrs McGrath and Ben Dalton-O’Sullivan (Ind) agreed.

Cllr McGrath called for a disabled driver parking bay near the Credit Union and other businesses in Old Waterpark, Carrigaline. Senior engineer Alan Cogan undertook to investigate.

Drivers were cutting on the inside lane at speed approaching Janeville traffic lights junction and jumping the queue heading into Carrigaline, said Cllr Audrey Buckley (FF).

In support, Cllr McGrath said the straight line arrow resulting in cars ‘under taking’ on the inside lane which should be for buses and left turning into Janeville only. He too was getting complaints about it. The engineer acknowledged there was some confusion there and undertook to raise it with Transport Infrastructure Ireland.

With regard to Christmas lights for the MD towns, the MD officer said funding from the council had been increased but plans could be impacted by conservation of energy over the winter months. Further information was awaited. Several replacement stream lights were needed in Carrigaline town and there was need for a greater financial contribution from the local community and businesses.

Cllrs Marcia D’Alton (Ind) and Jack White (FG) enquired if the MD had decided how to use the funding earmarked for urban forestry. In reply, Ms Conway said the MD would like to hear from communities who might have suitable spots for trees as funding was available.

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