Trinity College Dublin Launch Water Conservation Study 100 Douglas Residents Sought To Participate In 6 Month Trial
Water conservation is an issue of national concern and Trinity College Dublin are embarking on a study starting in Abhenry to assess water conservation technologies now available to domestic households. Everyone is familiar with advice not to leave the tap running while brushing your teeth but by installing dedicated devices from tooth timers to tap aerators, we will have the opportunity to monitor the effectiveness of consumer behaviour alongside water saving devices. This links consumer behaviour with actual consumption for the first time and we encourage residents from the Douglas area to get involved and participate in this innovative pilot project. Results from the overall study will inform recommendations for the development of a nationally focused Water Conservation Strategy. It will provide insight into the effectiveness of water saving devices as a means to demand management. It will also ensure more knowledge sharing about what ‘real’ results can be achieved by customers to manage their water more efficiently and which options offer value for money in terms of energy and water savings. A range of water saving devices will be rolled out to most householders participating in this study:
Toilet flush-wiser This device screws into the siphon and can be set to reduce the water used per flush from between 1-4 litres.
Shower timer Some showers can use a lot of water, particularly power showers, so by spending less time showering you can save water. Shower timers help calculate and reduce the time you spend in the shower.
Aerator tap/showerhead An aerator tap or showerhead pumps air into the water flow, reducing the amount of water you use in the sink or the shower.
Douglas in County Cork has been chosen as one of two locations to trial this innovative pilot study on how Irish consumers can reduce water consumption in their home. The project is being undertaken by the Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering at Trinity College Dublin, and supported by Irish Water, and involves trialing water saving devices and analysing household behaviour to empower customers at the point of consumption. Residents from Douglas are invited to register their interest in participation. A panel of 100 residents will then be selected and most will receive a number of water conservation products for example a tap aerator(s), water saving showerhead, toilet flush wiser, shower and toothy timers. Households will also receive a free home water audit as part of the trial. Water saving products will be installed free of charge and households will be allowed to keep these products after the trial is completed. Representatives from Behaviours & Attitudes Research will be in the area in the coming weeks asking householders directly to sign up to this first of its kind initiative. For further information or if your household is interested in participating, please email to ensure you get a spot on this trial. For further information:
Dr. David O’Connell Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Trinity College Dublin Email: Phone: 085 2884879