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Ballea Road, Carrigaline Needs Traffic Calming

Ballea Road, Carrigaline Needs Traffic Calming Writes Leo McMahon

A pedestrian crossing and other traffic calming measures at Ballea Road, Carrigaline were called for in motions from Cllrs Seamus McGrath (FF) and Eoghan Jeffers (SF) at the monthly meeting of Cork County Council’s Carrigaline- Ballincollig Municipal District (MD). Although there was a school warden system, Cllr McGrath said there was need for a pedestrian crossing on the busy road and it was an issue that came up previously in a meeting with school principals. Senior executive engineer Ms Madeleine Healy replied that a driver feedback sign showing incoming drivers their speed was erected and there was other signage. It was intended to resurface a section of Ballea Road later this year and look at other measures. She pointed out that the area was part of Irish Water’s Cork Main Drainage Scheme project so there was no point digging up a road in advance of that. There was also a proposal for a controlled crossing at Nova Court junction as part of the upcoming Carrigaline Western Relief Road. Cllr McGrath said he welcomed the fact that relief road had gone to tender for the design stage but this would take up the rest of 2017.  He asked that any resurfacing work include traffic calming. Cllr Jeffers concurred, adding that speeding and difficulty crossing Ballea Road were real issues. He asked if there could be larger warning signs and markings. The flashing signs indicating speed, he was told, lost their effect after two weeks. Cllr McGrath agreed. Ms. Healy said there were already lots of signs.  In reply to Cllr McGrath, Ms. Healy said more mobile driver feedback signs for the MD would be acquired and she would discuss with councillors regarding suitable locations.  Cathaoirleach Derry Canty (FG) said 30 kilometres per hour speed limits rolled out on a pilot basis in residential areas in Carrigaline, Douglas and Ballincollig were being ignored, especially in estates that can be used as rat runs. Many people, he added, tended to only drive slowly in their own estate. The engineer said initial feedback indicated no appreciable change. Any further roll out of these would be part of speed limit review. Cllr McGrath suggested the council liaise with the Gardai to ensure enforcement, especially on long straights such as Inchvale Road, Douglas.   Although signs didn’t tend to make much difference, it was felt 30kph limits marked the beginning of trying to implement an ethos of slower driving through estates, just as 50kph did on suburban roads, so these did have an intrinsic value, commented Cllr Marcia D’Alton (Ind).

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