Writes Leo McMahon
Several road matters requiring attention in the Carrigaline area were highlighted by members of Carrigaline Municipal District (MD) at their recent meeting.
Cllr Liam O’Connor (FG) said the corner of Bothar Guidel and Church (Currabinny) Road was muddy due to buses and heavy vehicles having to mount the kerb to make the 90 degrees turn. He asked if there was any plan to address this possibly by replacing the grass with concrete. Cathaoirleach Seamus McGrath (FF) concurred.
There is a proposal to upgrade the junction and improve the turning lanes. Senior executive engineer Madeleine Healy undertook to investigate and in reply to another query from Cllr O’Connor, said re-painting of the disabled driver parking bay at Church Hill would be done when weather permitted.
A request for Seaview Estate, Church Road to be included in the 2020 footpaths programme was made by Cllr McGrath.
Cllr McGrath repeated his call for at least one public light at Hilltown Cross next to the very busy N28 highway and asked that another request be forwarded to Cork City Council.
Cllr Marcia D’Alton (Ind) requested a ‘kids at play’ sign near the cluster of houses at Hilltown, for removal of moss from the footpath at Beech Court and removal of rubbish illegally dumped at Cogan’s Road.
In reply to Cllr McGrath, who referred to what he described as dangerous lane dividers on the N28 at Bloomfield Interchange, the engineer said she would refer this matter to contractor Regis Lagan and the area engineer in the city council.
Cllr McGrath enquired about a bus turning area near Carrigaline Primary Care Centre, Kilnagleary and was informed the matter was passed on to the council’s traffic and transportation section.
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