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Carrigaline Woman’s Inspirational Journery

Writer's picture: Online JournalistOnline Journalist

From Rock Bottom to Cloud 9!

Slimming World With Noelle Dempsey

A local mum of two, who felt desperation and misery has shed four and a half stone with Slimming World, and soon will open her own Slimming World group in Carrigaline, on Thursday April 5th to help others regain the love for life and the freedom that weight loss provides.

34-year-old Noelle Dempsey from Carrigaline found her journey into weight loss kick started by an unexpected meeting.

“I had always battled with my weight for years, for as long as I can remember really”, she says. “Apart from a brief few years after being diagnosed with Crohns disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. After many surgeries and prolonged hospital stays, it was at this point of my life when food became my enemy and my unhealthy relationship with food just carried on from here. After marrying the love of my life and starting my family, this is where it all spiralled out of control. I gained huge weight on both pregnancies and whilst my children filled me with so much joy, I as drowning in self-loathing.”

It was only after meeting a colleague that’s she hadn’t seen in many years at a local shopping centre that Noelle’s weight loss journey was fast tracked.

“She quickly congratulated me on my pregnancy and asked when my baby was due? I will never forget the deep burning feeling of shame, anger and embarrassment as I explained that my baby was in fact 5 months old and I was not pregnant. It was at that point that I decided that enough was enough and I was taking back control of my life and I was doing it now.

“When a Slimming World leaflet arrived in my door the very next Sunday morning that was my light bulb moment. I dreaded going to that first class, I was so embarrassed and feared that I would be judged for my size but now my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. The support I got from my consultant, Carol, was amazing and she made me believe that I could really change my life because she believed that I really could. What I loved the most is that I got to decide what my dream weight would be, not what somebody else though I should weigh. And it was all about me and my needs. The support I got from my fellow slimmers in group week after week was paramount to my success and I will forever be grateful to each and every one of them.”

Now with four and a half lost, Noelle loves Slimming World more than ever. “Food Optimising gives me a way to eat healthy and tasty foods, never feel hungry or worry about constant weighing and measuring and all the while losing weight steadily. I now have that healthy relationship with food and most importantly I eat to keep myself healthy which is vital in managing my disease. The recipes are amazingly family friendly and the homemade burgers and fries, shepherd’s pie and slow cooker stews are staple favourites in my home with my family. And most importantly I have my chocolate every night!!”

After a year and a half. Noelle’s Slimming World journey has taken her from rock bottom to cloud 9. “I can now walk in to any shop and buy clothes off the hanger. That is such a liberating experience for me. My husband has a happier wife and my children have a happy mummy and for me that is everything.”

Noelle is relaunching a group in Carrigaline GAA on Thursday 5th April at 5.30pm and 7.30pm. “I would love to give people the opportunity I was given by Slimming World, and if you’ve ever thought about losing weight, this is the place to be. We would love to welcome you, I’ll have the kettle on!


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