Initial public consultation on Phase 2 of the Passage Railway Greenway Improvement Project (from Mahon towards Passage West) begins today, Monday January 11th 2021.
Cork City Council is undertaking preliminary design work to improve this section of the highly popular amenity. The project aims to improve safety, increase use of the route, protect and improve biodiversity and improve access along the greenway.
Cork City Council would like to hear the views of residents and greenway users on the route and carpark options being considered and to hear any other information residents and users would like considered when developing this project.

A number of options are being examined to address the safety of the section that runs alongside the Rochestown Road including improving the existing route, moving the greenway to the coastline and moving the greenway to the south side of the Rochestown Road.
A number of options are also being examined to address car parking in the area.
Comments can be made in writing to the City Council or through the Cork City Council submission portal, ( where further details are available including contact details for the project team who are available for online or telephone consultation meetings.
Closing date for all submissions is on or before 5:00 p.m. on Friday 5th February 2021.