LEADER funding For Carrigaline, Tracton & Kinsale
Fourteen projects in communities overseen by SECAD Partnership CLG across South and West Cork were awarded LEADER funding this week. These included Carrigaline Men’s Shed, Carrigaline Community Complex, Carrigaline Tidy Towns, Saile – Kinsale, and Tracton Arts Centre.
The projects were identified as most in need of support under the LEADER programme 2014-2020 which is co-funded by the EU and the Irish government. LEADER supports rural development projects and initiatives under the key themes of Economic Development, Social Inclusion and Rural Environment.
South & West Cork LCDC/LAGs (Committees of Cork County Council) are responsible for the approval of projects under the LEADER Programme. As an Implementing Partner of the LEADER programme, SECAD Partnership has supported project promoters in each local community to ensure project ambitions are realised for the benefit of rural communities. Working in partnership with SECAD, Cork County LCDCs/LAGs are pleased to see these projects come to fruition.
LEADER is financed through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. It will bring a total of €250 million worth of grant aid to rural Ireland from 2014-2020 of which €13.9M has been allocated to Cork County. Individuals, businesses, social enterprises and community groups are eligible and invited to apply for LEADER funding.
The local projects to benefit are as follows:
Carrigaline Community Association.
Community Complex renovation
The Community Complex will remove and replace the existing roof system with a new, insulated roof system and upgrade the existing gutters and downpipes. This project will reduce running costs and maintenance costs of the complex and will provide the whole community with a building that is fit for purpose to continue to provide a safe, comfortable environment for community members.
Carrigaline Tidy Towns.
Development of pond area in park and public amenity
This project involves the first phase of the development of a youth public park including landscaping and development of a pond area with wheelchair accessible pathways, landscaping, planting and a public seating area. This project will help to promote outdoor activity and exercise, improve the town and environs, and provide an attractive outdoor amenity area for the local community including a growing youth population.
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