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Passage West, Monsktown & District News

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Welcome to Nicola Depuis' column keeping you up to date with local events, news, and happenings in Passage West, Monkstown, Rochestown & surrounds. If you have news or an event you'd like me to mention in this column, please contact me at:

Passage Has First Ever Strictly Come Dancing

Positive Passage People, in conjunction with Passage West GAA Club, have announced Passage West’s first ever Strictly Come Dancing themed fundraiser, which will take part on December 27that the Rochestown Park Hotel. They are currently looking for dancers to take part. If you’re interested in taking part, contact Finola Harrington on 086 346 9087 or Gillian Griffin on 087 839 4102.

Fruit Trees At Star Of The Sea

Congratulations to all members of the Passage Glenbrook Monkstown Grow It Yourself group who were busy over the weekend staking, pruning and refurbishing fruit trees at the Star of the Sea school in Passage West. Thank you for helping the trees.

First Holy Communion Masses

‘Do this in Memory of Me’: Masses will be held next Sunday, 8th March 2020, in Shanbally, Passage West and Monkstown welcoming the children preparing for their First Holy Communion. The children and their families will be warmly welcomed as they prepare to celebrate their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion over the coming weeks and months.

Community Bingo In Monkstown

Community Bingo continues in the Gill Room, Monkstown, every Wednesday from 2pm to 4pm. Enjoy an afternoon of fun, chat and company.

Start Of Weekly Baptist Sunday Morning Services

Weekly Sunday morning Baptist services will begin on March 8th at 11am in the Fr. Collins Parish Centre, Passage West. For more information, please go to:

Winter League Results For Monkstown Congratulations to members of Monkstown Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club - Grade 5 Men (Kieran McGarry, Simon McGarry, Michael Flannery, Jamie O'Toole), and Grade 4 Men (Tony Moynihan, Lee Gardiner, Robbie Coughlan, Aidan Punch) who have qualified for the Winter League Finals after both teams won their semi-finals last weekend (Grade 5 beating St. Anne's Waterford 4-0 and Grade 4 beating Nenagh 3-1). The finals will take place in Rushbrooke on Sunday, March 22nd. Times are to be confirmed. The Tennis Ireland 2020 calendar of events is now available on for anyone interested in playing in tournaments this year (Junior and Senior). Congratulations to Brid McEvoy who was recently welcomed to the committee at the AGM.

News From St. Francis College, Rochestown

Congratulations to the Green Schools Committee at St. Francis College, Rochestown, on their fantastic entry into the #instabin competition run by @neatstreets1. The aim of this competition is to promote recycling, anti-litter and waste. It is a reminder that most plastic water bottles are recyclable if they are clean and dry, and the label is removed. Congratulations also to the eight Transition Year students who took part in a workshop on human rights run by Trócaire. During the workshop, the students learnt about the work that Trócaire is doing and learned about human rights issues around the world. Through activities and games, they were introduced to the struggles faced by refugees in refugee camps, and human rights violations in areas such as Sierra Leone, Honduras and Kenya. The Parents’ Association at the school will be hosting a fundraising Bingo social night at Nemo Rangers GAA Club on Thursday 5thMarch at 7.30pm. This fun night with MC Pascal Sheehy costs €10 per person in advance or at the door, and entry includes bingo book. Under 18's must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Bingo Night For Passage West Rowing Club

A Bingo night will be held at the Passage West GAA Club on Friday, 6th March, at 8pm, in order to raise funds for the rowing club’s brand new Fisa quad boat.

Monkstown Golf Club Senior Scratch Cup 2020

The Monkstown Golf Club Senior Scratch Cup 2020, kindly sponsored by Irish Life, will take place on Sunday, May 17th. 36 holes. Shotgun start. Limited to lowest 63 handicaps. Entry €35, includes lunch and evening meal. First Prize is: €500. For information and bookings, please call The Pro Shop on: 021-4863912

Did You Know?

Legend has it that St. Patrick was actually born Maewyn Succat, but that he changed his name to Patricius, deriving from the Latin term for ‘father figure’ when he became a priest.

Table Quiz For Rochestown Educate Together

A table quiz to raise funds for the Rochestown Educate Together school will be held on Friday, 13th March, upstairs at the Mount Oval Bar from 8pm-11pm. Tickets cost €10 per person, or a table of four for €40. Tickets will be available on the night or you can pre-buy at Expect a great night out and loads of fantastic spot prizes.

Lenten Reflections With Sr. Rosari

Lenten Reflection Evenings with Sr. Rosari will continue each Wednesday night during Lent in the Prayer Room at St Mary’s Church, Passage West, from 8pm-9pm. The focus of the evenings will be ‘Reflecting On and Praying with the Psalms.’ All are welcome.

Passage West Maritime Museum Seeks Volunteers

The Passage West Maritime Museum will be reopening for the new season in mid-March, and they are currently seeking new volunteer guides. If you have a few hours to spare on any Saturday or Sunday afternoon, they would appreciate your help. Full training will be given. If interested, please contact any member of the museum committee, phone 087-1363588, or email:

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