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Tracton AC Goes Clean for Cramers Court

Over the May bank holiday weekend, Tracton AC members and families will be actively fund-raising for Cramers Court nursing home. The staff at Cramers Court have been very good to past members of Tracton AC. To help support them at this challenging time, Tracton AC is raising funds to pay for a bus for the next Cramers Court day out for both residents and staff. 

According to Google, the average Irish person produced 580kg of waste in 2016! For this fundraiser, Tracton AC will take on the challenge of seeing how much rubbish can be collected from our local area in one weekend, working together but apart. While out walking or running, members and families will aim to gather up as much rubbish as possible within their 2km radius. Collections will be weighed and tallied at home, before being binned appropriately. Photos and details will be posted to the Tracton AC Facebook event page with the tagline #tractonacgoescleanforcramerscourt.

How much rubbish will Tracton AC manage to ‘clean’ from our beautiful countryside over the weekend?! Check out our Facebook page for updates from the fundraising event, and please help to support Cramer’s Court Nursing Home via the GoFundMe page link:

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