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Winners In Naming Of New Museum For Passage West

Winners In Naming Of New Museum For Passage West Writes Leo McMahon

‘Passage West Maritime Museum’ is the name chosen, following a competition for 5th class pupils in the two local primary schools, for the proposed new museum. Out of over 60 entries, Muireann Deasy, Upper Rochestown in Star of the Sea Primary School, Passage West and Adam O’Flynn, Knocknamullagh, Monkstown in Scoil Barra Naofa, Monkstown were announced as winners. Both students were recently presented with an Easter egg and a certificate on behalf of the museum committee from chairperson Angela Murphy and PRO Andrew Woods when they visited both schools on the last day of the Easter term. Angela congratulated, not only the winners, but all the pupils from 5th class in both schools who took part, their teachers (Ciara McGrath in Passage and Lisa Moakley in Monkstown), Principals Angelique Cashman in Passage and Ciara ni Bhuaigh in Monkstown) and parents. Good progress is being made since the public meeting in February which unanimously gave the go-ahead for the museum to be located in part of the former Passage West Town Hall and the setting up of a committee to make it an important visitor attraction for the locality. Speaking to pupils in Monkstown, Angela said the aim was to open Cork Harbour’s only dedicated maritime museum next year and added: ‘In years to come, when you have your own children and grandchildren, you can tell them ‘I helped with putting a name on that.’ She concluded by looking forward to contacting the schools shortly inviting pupils to take part in the art competition as part of Passage West-Monkstown Maritime Festival in June.

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