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Crosshaven-Carrigaline Credit Union Announce Bursary Award Recipient

At a ceremony recently held in the Board Room of The Credit Union in Crosshaven, Seán Roberts, Chairman of The Board of Directors of Crosshaven Carrigaline Credit Union, announced the results of the 2019 Further and Higher Education Bursary Essay Award, worth €1,000. This award was introduced last year as part of the Credit Union’s ongoing community involvement, and to celebrate the strong and growing relationship between the Credit Union and the schools in its common bond area.

For many years, Crosshaven Carrigaline Credit Union, in the person of Noreen Linehan, has been very involved in The Crosshaven Secondary School, Coláiste Muire, along with The Edmond Rice Secondary School and the Boys and Girls National Schools, located in Carrigaline. Donna Pace has been active with the Boys and Girls National Schools in Crosshaven. They continue to work closely with these schools, encouraging children to adopt a regular savings habit, sowing the seeds of good financial management for the future.

This bursary is currently available to Colaiste Muire students who are members of the school credit union and have also registered for the first year of a recognised Further Education, Higher Education or Training courses. Such courses include Level 5 and level 6 PLC courses or Solas Apprenticeships as well as Level 7 and Level 8 Institute of Technology or University Courses.

The essays submitted for this year’s award were judged on originality, entertainment and the quality of the writing. The 2019 Further and Higher Education Bursary Essay Award and a cheque for €1,000 was awarded to Sinead McMahon for her essay “Why I decided to study Government and Political Science”.

The Chairman, Mr. Roberts, congratulated Sinead on her excellent work. “It was a well thought out and well-structured essay. The writing showed a maturity and sophistication that is not often found in one so young” said the Chairman as he presented Sinead with her cheque.

A runner’s up prize of €250 was also awarded to Nicole O’Leary, who is studying Early Years and Childhood Studies.

As this is an annual award, the Credit Union would encourage students who are currently in their final year of secondary school to consider composing an essay for next year’s award.

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