The problem of coastal erosion at Point Road, Crosshaven was highlighted by cathaoirleach Seamus McGrath (FF) at the recent meeting of Cork County Council’s Carrigaline Municipal District (MD).
‘It’s quite serious. The road is subsiding and residents are very concerned about the condition of the road itself’, he stated and asked for it to be investigated.
In support, Cllr Audrey Buckley (FF) said three large building projects were due to take place along Point Road and asked if the planning permissions took into consideration heavy vehicles that would be using the road, adding that the condition of the turning area was of concern.
In reply, senior executive engineer Madeleine Healy said there would be need to submit a construction management plan as part of a planning permission. She stressed that coastal erosion was not a roads issue but it would be looked at.
At the previous meeting, Cllr Buckley highlighted the problem of raw sewage entering the sea from a section of Point Road.
She asked that the council fund the €25,000 required for a detailed report for a wastewater scheme involving a replacement main to remedy this. It was not part of the Cork Harbour Main Drainage Scheme but was necessary here and in other areas such as Graball.
MD officer Noelle Desmond replied that there would be a meeting with the engineer’s section to find a solution about this and also Ballinhassig water main replacement plus perhaps, the erosion issue at Point Road.
Cllr Buckley enquired again about a footpath from Church Bay road to Crosshaven village, saying she understood there was a planning development contribution of €144,000 in respect of the O’Flynn development in that area.
Ms. Desmond replied that this would be only one specific contribution but there would be other potentials contributions to look at in the wider MD area and undertook to get back to members about that when this was done.