Writes Leo McMahon
Even a pedestrian link would help, said cathaoirleach Seamus McGrath (FF) at the monthly meeting of Cork County Council’s Carrigaline Municipal District (MD) in a motion requesting a timeline on the opening of a through road between western roundabout at Forest Hill (Minane Bridge road) and Castle Heights, Carrigaline.
A report from Sean O’Brien, administrative officer in the planning department, stated that the developer’s plan was to finish the current phase of 64 houses at Forest Hill before opening the road. It was estimated the units would be completed in 18 to 24 months and the aim was to have the road constructed and open on completion of the phase.
Cllr McGrath said the issue was raised during the local election campaign. If opened, it would provide a safer route for children going to schools and suggested a safe pedestrian route in the meantime would help.
At present, it was private property, replied senior executive engineer Madeleine Healy. Cllr McGrath asked the council to engage with the developer and senior executive officer Nicola Radley said the council could follow up on the response that was given and seek further information. This was agreed.
Ferney Road
Earlier, members were informed that resurfacing of Ferney Road, Carrigaline, which was in the 2019 programme, would most likely not take place until spring of 2020 at the earliest because accommodation, upgrade (new sewer) and footpath works due to start later this year, had to be carried out first.
Later in the meeting, members supported a motion from Cllr Liam O’Connor (FG) that the council install a safe temporary pedestrian passageway along Ferney Road in advance of the permanent upgrade because there was concern from schools and parents.
‘A track from constant usage, currently exists but temporary measures are needed to ensure pedestrian safety, especially for a large number of students attending two nearby schools. A safe passage with fixed cones or bollards could be a solution and would also be a temporary traffic calming measure’, he added. Cllr McGrath spoke in support.
The engineer undertook to investigate.
On the agenda also was a motion from Cllr O’Connor requesting the council to seek a commitment from Irish Water for immediate funding for a water pipe replacement project in Carrigaline due to the high number of outages in the past two years causing great inconvenience. It was agreed to seek a report for the next meeting.
There was a repeated call by Cllr McGrath for officials from Irish Water to be invited to a MD meeting to discuss water main replacements.
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