Lombard: Restore Kinsale SouthDoc Services
During another debate in Seanad Eireann Fine Gael Senator, Tim Lombard, restated his belief that the Kinsale SouthDoc should be reinstalled within the town.
Senator Lombard said: “The Kinsale SouthDoc was removed from within the town in 2014, and merged with the Bandon services, due to general reductions in health sector funding.
“Now, with the continued economic recovery, we have an opportunity to reinstate health services where there is a genuine need.
“Kinsale residents have been campaigning to have the SouthDoc service reinstated in the town, and I fully back their initiative.
“Kinsale is a thriving, busy town with a vast hinterland and an ever increasing residential population. It also experiences a huge tourism interchange, particularly during the summer months when the population of the town quadruples with the sheer volume of visitors.
“Additionally, a 30 plus minute drive to the nearest SouthDoc service is a delicate journey during the dark, icy winter months – especially for Kinsale’s older demographic.
“Appropriate proximity to vital health services is a necessity for the Kinsale community.
“A national review of current GP out of hours services is underway, and I have written appeals to both the Minister for Health and the HSE Primary Care Department calling for reinstatement of the Kinsale SouthDoc.
“We must recognise the current and future needs of the Kinsale community and provide the necessary infrastructure to service this vast urban, rural, and tourist population. A SouthDoc service in
Kinsale is one such necessity.”
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