Writes Leo McMahon
On a proposal by Cllr Eoghan Fahy (SF), congratulations were extended by the county council’s Carrigaline Municipal District (MD) at its monthly meeting to Kay Murphy from Passage West Rowing Club and fellow crew members who rowed 346 nautical miles across the North Sea from Scotland to Norway.
‘They set off on July 15th and the crew of 12 rowed in shifts of three hours and three hours off before landing in Stavanger Norway on Saturday 20th of July and raised a lot of money for charity’, he said.

Cllr Audrey Buckley (FF) proposed a vote of congratulations to the organisers of the recent Barry Centra Crosshaven Triathlon for local amenities and organisations.
Cllr Jack White (FG) said all he was sure all members wished to congratulate those associated with the very successful and very well attended first Family Fun Day to raise funds for an upgraded playground for Carrigaline which was held recently in the Community Park. An cathaoirleach Cllr Seamus McGrath (FF) concurred, saying there was a fantastic feedback, while Cllr Una McCarthy (FG) said people had told him they would like to see a similar event in the future.
On a proposal by Cllr White, the MD also congratulated former Minister, county councillor for the area and Passage West Town Commissioner Michael McGrath TD on being appointed European Union Commissioner for Democracy, Justice and the Rule of Law. Cllr McCarthy concurred.