by Nicola Depuis
In this new section, we get to know a little more about the people living in our Harbour towns. This week we meet Debbie Foy from Monkstown's 'Big Little Choir'.
Name: Debbie Foy
From: Monkstown (but I'm a blow-in!)
What Book Has Impacted You The Most?
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. I found that I pondered on the story more than any other. It reminds me that our lives really are a case of sliding doors and maybe, just maybe, our ancestors are not the only ones to meet us on the other side!
Favourite thing to do in Cork?
One of my favourite things to do is listen to live music. Myself and my husband had a great evening recently. We went for a few drinks in Henchy's pub in St. Luke’s. Then we walked across the road to the spectacular Live at St. Luke’s Church music venue where I sipped on my flask of hot port whilst Declan O’Rourke serenaded us from a few feet away. Bliss!
What TV Shows Are You Watching At The Moment?
I love RTÉ's Other Voices, the Netflix series Ozark, Stranger Things and the drama When They See Us. One of my all-time favourite things to do is to curl up on the couch with my three children and watch a movie. It doesn't get any better for me.
What Three Items Would You Bring With You To A Desert Island?
So, my first item would be a guitar. If I was alone on an island, I would finally have the time to practice playing my guitar! I am going to cheat slightly and bring a pen and paper for my second. I can write that book, compose that poem and doodle away to my heart’s content. I don’t know if there is such a thing as a solar-powered phone but if there is, that is my third item. I figure I could contact home, just to get ‘the news’ (never mind ask to be rescued!), I could scroll through photos of my family and friends, and listen to my downloaded music...sure I’d never be bored!
What Takes Up Too Much Of Your Time?
Cleaning. I’m always cleaning but never tidy!
What's The Best Way To Start The Day?
A nice warm shower and a cup of Barry’s tea.
Who Has Impressed You Most With Their Achievements, And Why?
To be honest, it’s the normal Joe Soap that impresses me most. I admire people who get up every morning to a job they dislike so they can provide for their family. I admire people who care for their elderly or disabled relatives, who put their own hopes and dreams on hold to bring peace and comfort to those who need them most. I am impressed with people who go against the grain and speak their truth. The people who face their fear and do it anyway. I am impressed by kindness and by those people who give more than they take.
When People Come To You For Help, What Do They Usually Want Help With?
I find, by and large, we all have similar worries at different times, and without a doubt, a problem shared is a problem halved. Humour helps fix the other half!
If You Had The Power To Change One Thing In This Country, What Would It Be?
Homelessness. It symbolises that there was once a problem that wasn’t fixed. It wasn’t fixed because the person wasn’t supported. They weren’t supported because there was a lack of facilities or a lack of intervention. There was a lack of facilities because there was a lack of money. There was a lack of money because it was mismanaged and so on. The result is a person sleeping on the street, living in fear and haunted by what could have been. This leads to more crime, more addiction, more mental health issues and sometimes death. Homelessness is preventable and it’s a crying shame that it’s one of the biggest problems in the country today.
If You Could Turn Any Activity Into An Olympic Sport, What Would You Have A Good Chance At Winning A Medal For?
Eating. I love food, not fussy, just all food in general!
What Is One Of Your Favourite Smells?
The smell of a fire lighting. It induces a feeling of contentment and pure relaxation.
What Was Your Biggest Achievement In 2019?
I have the privilege of being involved with ‘The Big Little Choir’, a children’s choir that began three years ago and has gone from strength to strength. Over 50 children gather in Monkstown every Thursday and sing to their hearts’ content. We pride ourselves on being an all-inclusive choir where enthusiasm is our only entry requirement, and it just so happens that we have enthusiasm and talent in abundance. Our motto is ‘we are children singing for children’. To see the children totally absorbed in the music, literally feeling the melody, is a wonder, and brings me a satisfaction that is hard to put into words.
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