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Carrigaline Muay Thai – End Of An Era

Carrigaline Muay Thai – End Of An Era Writes Jack White

It has been an emotional few months for those involved with Carrigaline Muay Thai, especially owner Killian Bushe who has closed the doors of the club after seven years. “While it might be something that I come back to in the future”, says Killian, “For now I need a break. I was the only senior coach at the club as well as trying to look after the finances, maintenance and everything else. Everyone involved was fantastic and everyone helped out but in the end it became too much pressure. I need some time out”. Carrigaline Thai Boxing began as a club back in 2010, starting out in The Old Pottery complex before a 2013 move to the Kilnagleary Industrial Estate. As it grew, a hybrid of a club and business started taking shape, though Killian says it was not always sustainable. “Bills were a constant, rent, rates, running costs etc”, says Killian, “while I began this as a venture to give something back to the community, I would often have to dip into my own pocket to pay its bills”. The atmosphere at the club was always fantastic as young and old mixed, often spending time just hanging out before or after training. “The atmosphere around the club was always fun”, Killian says, “we enjoyed our training, our trips around Ireland and even one or two abroad for fights were always a great laugh”, he says. “If I ever look at opening a club in the future” says Killian, “I’d need one or two more senior coaches to carry some of the workload. I’d certainly use everything I’ve learned over the last few years and do some things differently. Looking for grants and supports would be important too. We’ll see what happens but for now I just need time out and focus on work with the Fire Brigade and my own training. Killian has a special mention of gratitude for his landlord, Ray McCarthy. “Ray was a fantastic support, without him we wouldn’t have lasted as long as we did. Ray trained with us and even had a few fights. He was brilliant, really supportive of the club and great with the young lads too”. As well as putting Carrigaline on the Muay Thai map in the country, Killian and the club also produced one of Ireland’s most well respected fighters, current ISKA Irish Muay Thai Welterweight Champion Micky O’Grady. The well known local fighter began training with Killian and the club aged 16 and with Killian as his trainer since, has had a phenomenal career to date, the highlight being his ISKA Irish Muay Thai Welterweight victory in October 2016. Micky will be heading off to Thailand in four weeks time to train for three months. He will be fighting at a big show in Bangkok in mid April before taking some time off for recovery before resuming training for a big fight in Perth, Australia on July 17th. Micky says he might stay in Australia for a while after that fight but intends to return to Ireland to defend his Welterweight title late in 2017. “Micky’s success is deservedly earned” says Killian, “As his coach from the beginning, I’ve seen first hand just how dedicated and honest a trainer he is. He works so hard and is a super fighter. He really is a mean machine in the ring, so aggressive yet such a technical fighter at the same time”. Micky, now a qualified fabricator and working full time, completed his qualification and work over the last four years, something Killian is immensely proud of. “To have achieved as much as Micky has in the sport, training so hard whilst getting qualified and holding down a full time job has been so impressive”, says Killian. Micky is involved with organising a Race Night on Friday 17th February in The Ferry Boat Inn Ringaskiddy. The Race Night will raise funds for Shine A Light Suicide Awareness and The Fight4Life project. Anyone that wishes to take part can call 087-6911312.

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